How about some practical life skills with the jungle animals? The soapy foamy water is a great sensory experience for the little hands all the while learning about wild animals.

Materials needed
- 1 tbsp Bubble bath
- 2 cup water
- Large wild animals
- Small brush
- Washcloth

Mix the bubble bath in water and blend using a hand held blender until you get the frothy texture. It should take anywhere around 5 minutes. I used the trofast bin in flisat table to set it up. Add the animals and some plastic leaf garland for some greenery. In another tub fill some plain water to rinse them. Also keep the washcloth nearby to wipe clean after rinsing.

M has never been brave around wet sensory set ups. So I expected setbacks but gently coaxed her to touch it with fingertips. She is getting better at it. Then I got the soapy animals for her and showed how to brush rinse and wipe them

She copied me and did the same with tiger and elephant. She loved to splash them in the water. Later she bought some random cups and tube to the tub to play her own game