It’s October here and a perfect time to learn about the fall leaves and the changing colors. I love to make a sensory bin on the theme and mostly I leave it out until we finish( sometimes I keep it inside if they play too messy) These bins are great to learn many skills such as fine motor, language, learning through all senses and sharing skills if played in a group .

Materials needed:
- Corn kernels
- Acorns ( Christmas tree shop)
- Plastic leaves ( dollar tree)
- Foam pumpkins and leaves ( dollar tree)
- Leaf shaped tray( dollar tree)
- Some scoopers , cups and tongs

They dived right into the bin and explored acorns and foam pumpkins. M filled the cups with corn kernels and it kept her busy for a while.

Then she used the orange spoon to scoop the corn and filled the dish. Later she went on with her all time favourite- transfer corns from one cup to another. Meanwhile R was busy picking leaves using tongs. He also counted the acorns and showered corn kernels over it.

M got hold of the acorns and tried to scoop them and hide it in kernels. Since it didn’t work she moved onto the pumpkins. We put them in cups, filled with corn and took turns digging it out!

It was so much fun and I squeezed in some math activity for both kids with the acorns. For M we did simple counting and lined the acorns on the table side. I encouraged her to touch and count to learn one to one correspondence.

For R I wrote up some addition and subtraction problems on one side of flisat table using dry erase markers ( you can easily wipe it off). He have to represent them using acorns and find the answers. He did well with that!