We’ve successfully completed Letter G week. Our days are packed with numerous social commitments and celebrations. I’m not complaining and I’m extremely thankful for my friends who are family now. But when I don’t get enough time to plan I get grumpy. And having this curriculum is such a relief. Thinking about the name itself brings peace to the chaos around. The best part of this curriculum is the easiness of setting up and carrying out an activity. And I can prep for an awesome week ahead even when I have little energy left after a weekend of partying.

Just so you know I’m not following peaceful preschool curriculum word to word but 80% of our activities comes from it. Generally we skip gross motor activities as I believe most of them are covered in their daily outside playtime. I like to twist up things to add a touch of novelty to each week. So I edit/replace some activities that I feel more aligned to my kids interests.
Day 1

We started the day by reading the book ‘ Go Dog Go’. I stressed on the rhyming words in each page and it was a fun read. Then she made the glitter glue letters. This time we tried the glitter glue from dollar store and honestly I didn’t like how it turned out. Going forward we’re gonna stick to our traditional glue & glitter format.

We tried auditory sequence and she could easily do a threesome sequence of objects and numbers. When I increased quantity to four she had a hard time and hence I thought of adding a visual input to help with memory retention. She did better with the help of visual clues.

Oh boy! Memory game was the most fun activity we ever have done. After gathering some objects around playroom I spread them on table and let her study it. Then I covered them with a towel and let her recollect. She struggled a lot in remembering the object names. A trick to help them connect is to make up a story line that includes all the object. For instance the picture above you could say “In the house with a green tree mommy slept on the bed with ducky while a fish came in car and hid under the table”. I know it doesn’t make sense but you get the idea.

We used some of the objects to learn prepositions and she loved exercising her peppa and George all around the things on table.

This paper plate hat turned out to be so real and pretty. She was already in love with the hats that the dog wear in the story. So she had so much fun making one of her own.

Here are the supplies I used for our hat. She chose purple paint and golden flowers. After cutting the hole on paper plate I stapled the bowl in that hole and she painted it.

Once the paint was dried I let her place the flowers/feathers/bow/ yarn etc around the hat as she please. After she finished arranging I used hot glue gun to fix them.
Day 2

I’m glad that this book was added in the list of Letter G because this has been one of M’s favorite storybook since she was a baby. She always giggle at the page where all the eyes open in the dark after saying Goodnight. I gathered a flashlight and toy animals around the house to retell the story. We took turns being the security guard and acted out the animals getting out of the cage.

I’m really not happy about how those letters turned out with dollar store glitter glue. Well I should admit that making it was easy and less messy. She used the sand tray to practice tracing the capital and lowercase letters.

Counting was so much fun and concrete with these toy zoo animals. I let her choose a number from the bowl and asked her to place that many animals on the table. She’s able to do higher numbers now without loosing the count. The picture was taken after she did for number 8 and then picked number 9.
Day 3

We started our day by reading this abc book which I found from a local thrift store. The textured alphabets make it a tactile learning experience for the kids. You can check out the Alphaprints ABC in amazon.

For phonics activity I let her play with our DIY moveable alphabet. I DIY’ed this using plastic storage box and magnetic letters. It works for us now and I plan to create something similar like this DIY moveable alphabet in future. I took out some uppercase letters that she learned so far and let her match the corresponding lowercase letters.

Making glitter glue numbers was so much fun and it took us around an hour to apply glue and the glitter carefully on each numerals. To much of my surprise she sat through the whole process and thoroughly enjoyed dotting the glue and choosing the glitter colors for each number. Once dried she practiced one to one correspondence using pumpkin mini erasers.

Using Index cards for cutting makes it easy for beginners. I drew some straight lines and zigzag lines on each card and she cut all of them independently. The small size and sturdiness of index card make it easy to manipulate by themselves.

I love to use things that start with the corresponding letter to create the alphabet craft. So we used Gold paint and Glitter to complete our Letter G alphabet page.
Day 4

Yet another classic book that she was obsessed during those wee baby days. So beautifully written and illustrated to make anyone sleepy. We loved to read it again as part of this curriculum but this time with stress on letter G on each Goodnight’s .

After going to preschool the first thing she learned is to write her name and her current obsession is to write it anywhere and everywhere. So this activity was a a breeze and she decorated her name plate using some stickers too. I used the dollar store word strips for this name writing activity.

Working on the Melissa & Doug pattern block cards. We reviewed the shape and colors and counted each shapes in a picture.

One of our favorite activity in this curriculum is the kid friendly recipes to try at home. She loves cooking and baking so needless to say cooking activities in each unit is something we always look forward to. We made the puppy chow dish this time.

It turned out well but was so sugary that I didn’t want them to gobble it all up. But we enjoy the process than the product. So it’s always a win win.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thanks 😊 Glad that you found it helpful!