A simple matching activity to go with wild animals theme. We have done three different type of matching with the animals that we have.
1. Animal picture match

Before matching the animals I presented the pictures covered and taped under a sheet of paper. Since she like hide and seek and tearing off paper she found it hilarious.

She tore them off with all her might and got excited seeing all those animals. We named each one of them and learned the sounds they make.

Then I presented her the animals to match and she got all of them right. Her favorite being the elephant 🐘

2) Animal Skin pattern match

The purpose of the activity is pretty clear from the picture itself. You have to find the right skin of each animals. I couldn’t get the exact skin pattern of giraffe and cheetah but she gets the concept. M could match the obvious one ie the zebra
3) Animal Baby match

This was a total hit activity. I just arranged the big and small wild animals for M to match babies to their mommies. She just loved it and carried around the babies hanging onto their mommies.