We went to a company organised fall festival and had tons of fun there. The farm had a pumpkin patch and kids happily ran around in their costumes and picking their own pumpkins. It was so much fun pulling down the pumpkins to our car in a wheelbarrow.

Back home we tried an art activity related to pumpkin patch just to talk about the experience. It was pretty easy to set up as I already had the pumpkin tips I cut off to make the fizzy pumpkin activity.
Materials needed:
- Pumpkin tips cut from mini pumpkins
- Yellow, Orange and Green paint
- Brown and Green Markers

Cut out the tips from the mini pumpkins. It need not to be perfect round. Resize one of them to make a leaf shape. Spread paper roll on a table and secure the edges using tape. I used the Mala paper roll from Ikea. Draw some green vines using marker( you can let your older kids do it in their own). Set the cut out tips on some palettes with paint.

I always set out an invitation with a demonstration on one side just to model. Kids are free to try out their own art or can copy the one in there. Either way the goal is to keep the interest going and explore the paint.

M was willing to do this activity since the stem is there to hold on. It makes that a great tool to paint especially if your kid is sensitive about getting hands wet like mine. She did 2-3 stamps on paper and loved the colors.

I showed her how to draw some vines using the brown markers. She’s a great fan of crayons and markers and will never get tired of that. I’m so in love with that great pencil grasp.

R also joined the fun and did his own pumpkin stampings. Did you see what the little one is upto at the other end? My heart just skipped a beat seeing that. But I still let her do it. She had a blast pouring the paint and spreading it all around using the stampers.

How could I not let her have that fun for the sake of some cleaning hassles. ‘Embrace the mess’- that’s something I keep reminding myself during this stage of life!!