M is always hesitant about watery and goey sensory bins. So I thought a foam bin would be perfect for her as its just the foam and relatively less messy. Afterall who doesn’t like the frothy soft foams 😊

To make the foams you need 1/8 cup water and 1 tbsp bubble bath with some food coloring. No big math just follow 2:1 ratio of water and bubble bath to make any desired quantity. Remember if you are making rainbow foam just need very little amount of water for each color. If just one color ( easy option) go for 1 cup water and 1/2 cup bubble bath. Hand held blender works well as I had no luck with mixer. Blend until you get the frothy consistency( think making whipping cream 🤔)

Add some foam blocks to the bin. They are perfect add ons as they stick each other well with foam.