It’s Halloween time and a spider theme is perfect for this time of the year. I got this water beads from Michaels and I thought about a sensory bin with them. Water beads are a great sensory base with smooth texture and kids will love playing in it. But strict supervision is required if given to young or kids who still mouth things.

Materials needed:
Water beads
Spider rings
Styrofoam block

While having some sensory input we also focus on fine motor skill by threading the spider rings on the straws arranged on the styrofoam block. Picking up the spiders using tongs is another excellent exercise to work those tiny muscles

M as always love pouring from one cup to other. She was mesmerised with the water beads and loved holding and pinching it.

R picked up the spiders with tongs and thread it on the straws. M also joined him to do some with hands.

Later they found out water beads also can be threaded on the straws. They will braek apart and some will get stuck inside the straw and it will make a colorful straw at the end. This was a new finding for us and they spent lot of time doing this.

We also put the spider rings on our fingers and sung the finger family song. It was a fun sensory and fine motor activity to start off our spider theme week.