The very hungry caterpillar is one of our favorite books. I have an emotional connection with this book. It’s the very first book I purchased for my elder one right after he was born ( yeah I read to him even when he was weeks old 😊). So this book bridges me to the cuteness of my baby. Fast forward we are reading the same book now and it hasn’t lost it’s luster.

Supplies needed:
- Green aquarium gravel
- Red & Green poms
- Wooden discs
- Parmesan cheese container
- Story prompts free printable
- Caterpillar face printable
Making those story discs was fun. Print out the free story prompts here. I cut them out with scissors but if you have circle cutters you can punch them out easily. I used double sided tape to attach the circles on top of the wooden discs just in case I want t reuse those for later.

Parmesan cheese container has the perfect shape to make any feeding activities. The flap looks like an open mouth and kids can have fun feeding anything into it. Print out this free caterpillar face printable and tape it on top to make it a very hungry caterpillar.

We retold the story with disc prompts and she fed them to caterpillar in order. Her favorite is lollipop so she was not ready to give it to the caterpillar.

I gave her some scoopers to pour the gravel to put in the container. It was great to see them exchanging the tools while playing. Sensory bin with a sibling or friend is a wonderful way to encourage cooperative play.

The name practice board is the first name recognition activity I ever made for her. It’s a great fine motor work along with learning letters of the name. You will need :
✨ Paint stir stick.
✨ Clothespin.
✨ Green and red foam sheet.
✨ Black marker.
✨ Pipe cleaner.

Here’s the steps on how to make the board.
🐛 Cut circles out of green foam sheet as needed.
🐛Write the letters of name on paint stick and the green circles.
🐛 Stick the circles on top of clothespin.
🐛Create caterpillar face from red foam sheet, markers and pipe cleaner.
Using clothespin is a wonderful fine motor practice for toddlers. Opening the clasp and holding it till placing it on board is not an easy task for them and it will take several attempts to master this skill. I try to include clothespin in many of our activities and I always hold up the board so that she can focus on working the clothespin.