The hot summer days are coming to an end soon. So a sensory bin with an invitation to make a sun seems perfect for now. Also it could also be an yellow color theme bin for M too.

I used popcorn kernels for the base and added all yellow sticks I could get hold of with some lids and playdoh.

R set off right away to make sun using playdoh balls and yellow rods. M started exploring the kernels and dough balls with her hands.

Later I added some glass jars and scoopers for more fun. While R scooped and poured M was busy taking off the rods from the sun R already made. Then she also joined in scooping

I showed her how to collect the kernels in small lids and pour to the playdoh cans. She copied it and spent some more time. Slowly the interest thinned out and they climbed on to me. Time to clean up!!