It’s getting festive all around with all lighted up trees. All colourful ornaments are decked meticulously on the trees. What a wonderful and peaceful sight!! It just seems fitting to do a Christmas themed sensory bin for the kids to have fun with during this glorious time of the year.

To start off with the bin you need a base filler and some loose parts. Then last but not least some tools to work on. If you want to focus on any specific skill you can add that element too in the bin. In this case we will work on some sorting and stacking skills.

Materials needed:
- Green Aquarium gravel
- Red and green pom poms
- Red and green links
- Red and green cups
- Red round gemstones
- Scoopers and tongs
- Any stacking rod

Fill the tub ( I have used Ikea trofast bin and flisat table) with the aquarium rocks and scatter all the loose parts evenly on top. Set out the cups and stacking rod along with some scoopers on the other side of table. Most importantly don’t forget to put a sheet underneath the table to contain the mess. You can use any cloth/ shower liner/ old tablecloth for this.

Show them how to scoop the rocks into cups and also to pick pom poms using tongs. Using tongs needs lot of practice so don’t stress out if they don’t make it sorting into right cups. M was more keen to pick up pom pom using tongs. She also loved to pick rocks too using tongs

Lot of scooping and pouring was happening in between and it’s a great to have sibling bond. Most importantly it encourages them to share the space and work on negotiation skills when there is only one tong 😊

M is a lot into dumping phase now so she had her heart content with all that filling and dumping rocks back to the bin

We also did some stacking using the links on the Ikea stacking rod. By then they were done with the bin and slowly scrambled away to other toys.