This is one of the must read books for your little ones. It talks about friendship and how to be a friend in need. It’s also a great book to learn about different farm animals. I also live the pretty realistic images of the animals and vehicles in the book

Materials needed:
- Corn kernels
- Black Rocks
- Brown felt
- Some plants
- Any blue truck
- A dumb truck
- Farm animals
At first fill the corn kernels in a big tub/tray. I got my large square tray from Walmart for $8. Then arrange the rocks to make a pavement along the corn kernels. Place the brown felt cut in the shape of a puddle on the rock path. Keep the animals and plants along side of the rocks. Add the blue truck and dumb truck to make the scene complete.

R got hold of the tray while I was readying it on the table. He was getting ready for school but insisted on playing with it. We retold the story and pushed the dumb truck out of the mud with blue truck.

M loved the dumb truck and she kept in filling and emptying it with corns. We named the animals and pushed them around in the blue truck.

Also as always we played the mandatory hide and seek game with the frog. We hid it under the corns, behind the plants and dug it out using a play spade.

I gave her the muffin tin and she started scooping and transferring the corns and rocks to it which I could clearly tell she enjoys much.