January is getting colder here and we need more activities to keep us entertained. Sensory bins are always a hit and it allows exploration with all senses. We always use Ikea flisat table to do sensory bin set up. This time we did a snowman bin using cotton balls and blue dyed rice

Materials needed
- Cotton balls
- 3 nesting pyrex glass containers
- Blue dyed rice
- Googly eyes
- Black construction paper for hat
- Black pipe cleaner for hands and mouth
- Orange foam for nose
- Buttons
I had the blue dyed rice which I used for other ocean sensory bins. First arrange the pyrex containers on table starting from small. Fill them with cotton balls. Add blue dyed rice on the sides of the tray to fill it up.

Now give the snowman a hat( cut from black construction paper) , eyes and nose cut from orange foam sheet. For the hands twist two pipe cleaners together to make hand shape.

For tools I set out two mini buckets, measuring cups, a glass jar and a funnel. Adding a funnel with rice bins are so much fun and satisfying for the kiddos.

Filling the jar with blue rice and funnel was the most liked work for M. She did filling and emptying multiple times. Also the texture of blue rice is just amazing and they loved to dig in that.

We also sang the I’m a little snowman song and pointed at various parts of snowman. The song have a fun ending that says ‘ oh it’s cold.. brrrrr!! It was cute to see her do that.