A creative book by Peter Reynolds. It’s the story about Vashti who think she is not good at art and his teacher asks her to do something simple. She angrily puts a dot on the paper and for her surprise next day she will see it hung on teacher’s wall all framed up. That inspires her and she starts off making various possible dots and her creativity explodes!! The lesson? There is an artist in everyone and we all can do something to express ourselves, big or small!

For the bookish play we did a dot marker game.I got this blank dice from target dollar spot. In one dice write the numbers 1-6 and in the other stick dot stickers of corresponding marker colors. Set the timer for 1-2 minutes and roll both dices. If you get 2 & green put 2 green dots on paper and do it in turns. Once timer goes off whoever gets more dot win. It was a fun game to play with R during our usual Saturday game time 😊