Fall offers a variety of learning opportunities with all the abundance in nature. Pine cones, Acorns, colorful Leaves, Sticks the possibilities are endless. Just a walk in nature is so refreshing and engaging for all senses. We always end up coming home with a bag of leaves. Here are some collection of activities that you could try with leaves some with leaves from your backyard and some with plastic leaves from the store.
1. Leaf Rubbings

This is an easy activity you could try right away with no preparation. Lay down the leaves on a smooth surface. Place drawing paper on top of the leaves and rub on the leaves using a variety of writing tools. We chose crayons and some colored pencils. You could see the image of leaves turning up on the paper as you tub away.
2. Leaf Threading

I got these felt leaves from dollar tree and this is something quick I could set up. Stick the colour pop sticks on Playdough. Let the child string the leaves on stick matching the colour. It’s a fun colour sorting and fine motor work.
3. Leaf People feelings

We read the book leaf man and this activity goes well with the book. Just use some plastic leaves and stick them on popsticks. Add some googly eyes and draw different feelings you want to teach your kid. Cut a slit on top of paper cup and slide the sticks through to stand them up. A great way to name the feelings while having fun with leaves.
4. Leaf Puppets

I got these free printable from picklebums website. Its so cute and colorful and just perfect for our fall leaves theme. We sang the five golden autumn leaves song and M loved it. Link below if anyone is interested .
5. Leaf Lion

A perfect craft activity for the fall season.This one can be done with leaves from your backyard too.
Supplies needed:
🍁Orange/ yellow paint.
🍁Cardstock paper.
🍁Plastic fall leaves.
🍁Black construction paper.
🍁Googly eyes.
First let them paint a piece of paper Orange and yellow paint. Once it’s dried you can cut a face shape out of it. But my kids were so impatient that I let them glue down leaves on wet paint in a circle. Later add the eyes, nose and whiskers cut out from black construction paper. A fall leaf lion is ready to pounce!!.
6. Punched Leaves Counting

For this activity all you need is some leaves, cardboard , hole puncher and a sharpie. Punch some holes on the leaves and glue on a piece of cardboard and write the numerals using a sharpie. If you want to preserve it wrap the board in contact paper. Count the holes and use some clothespin to clip on the right answer.
7. Snip Leaves Art

Supplies ➡️
🍁Contact paper
🍁Leaves from your backyard
First draw a leaf outline on a cardboard and cut out the inside. Stick a contact paper with sticky side up on the back of cardboard.Set up a cutting station and let them use a child safe scissors to snip out tiny pieces of leaves. I showed her how to fold each leaf before cutting to make it even small.
Once you have enough teeny bits of leaves simply spread them and stick it on the inside of leaf shape. Make sure to fill in all blank spaces.Stick another piece of contact paper on top to preserve it.
8. Leaf Puzzle

You need to use a variety of leaves for this simple activity. First glue the leaves on a piece of cardboard. Seal the top using a contact paper. Then use a sharp scissors or exacto knife to cut them in half. It’s a great visual discrimination exercise and improve problem solving skills for young kids.
9. Fall Leaf Tree

A simple playdough invitation to make fall leaves. I cooked up a batch of orange and yellow play dough for this activity.
Whats on the tray➡️
🍁 Homemade orange & Yellow Playdough.
🍁Felt leaves.
🍁Orange glitter balls.
🍁Craft sticks.
🍁Googly eyes.
Here’s the recipe I tried if anyone would like to know.
1 cup all purpose flour.
1/2 cup salt ( used a little less).
2 teaspoon cream of tartar.
1 cup water.
1 tablespoon cooking oil.
Add all these into a non stick pan after spraying some oil and mix them until all water is absorbed and the dough get rolled into a ball. Take it out and knead it well. Add the desired food colouring and glitter if needed.
10. Leaf Sensory Bin

What’s in the bin ➡️.
🍁Plastic leaves with numbers written on it using black marker.
🍁Mini number clothespin from target dollar spot.
Many ways to play➡️.
🍁Clip the clothespin on correct leaf.
🍁Clip as many clothespin on a leaf as written on it.
🍁Arrange leaves in numerical order.
🍁Practice one to one correspondence using the pinecones.