In just another 2 months M will turn three years old. Time just flies!! It feels like just yesterday I was holding her as a baby with all the wonders and hopes of a new mom for the second time. I couldn’t wait for all the beautiful moments that I was gonna share with her. All that I do now for her is born out of that immense need in me to be present for my kids and deliver my best as their mom.
I don’t know if I have the right teaching strategies or they will get all the skills down before they get to school. And clearly that’s not what I’m aiming for. I need to cherish these precious moments before they’re all grown up and gone forever. I want to show them later that they always mattered to me more than myself. And I want to make a mark on their teeny tiny time of their lifetime with me!!
That’s enough of my emotional outburst I guess and let’s get down to business. Here’s the weekly lesson plan for Letter M.

If you’ve missed previous letter of the week activities please read them below.
Letter A /Letter B /Letter C /Letter D / Letter E / Letter F / Letter G / Letter H / Letter K / Letter L
Day 1
🔸Object Bin

For Letter M week I had the following in our object bin – Monkey/ Mouse/ Mittens/Monster. I have also included all the flashcards and some beginning sound picture cards stuck on craft sticks.
🔸Marshmallows & Toothpicks

A simple STEM activity that you can do with toddlers. You just need marshmallows and some toothpicks. Encourage them to connect the marshmallows together using toothpicks. We made some basic shapes too. She stuck one on a toothpick and pretended it to be lollipop.
🔸 Letter Collage with dyed macaroni

Supplies needed.
- Letter M printable
- Orange paint
- Marshmallows
- Raw macaroni ( dyed or not dyed)

After printing the Letter M I let her paint it orange using a marshmallow on some toothpicks. Once dried cut it out paste it on a color paper. Using some school glue, stick the macaroni on the M. You can choose to dye the macaroni or not. I used some blue dyed macaronis for this activity.
🔸Vocabulary worksheets
Day 2
🔸 Book: Mouse Paint

If you’re teaching colours to your toddler or preschoolers then this is a must read book. It also deals with colour mixing when mouse spills the paint allover the paper. M was hooked onto this book.
🔸 Mouse Color mixing

I knew I should do some book based activity after seeing her interest. I cut these mouse shapes from cardboard. Then I taped a small ziploc bag behind it. With the three primary colours I showed her how to mix them using droppers into the bag. R made the green mouse and M made her favourite purple mouse. Once it’s sealed it was a great sensory experience too touching on the puffy mouses.
🔸 M is for Mouse

Supplies needed:
- Block letter M
- Brown paint
- Black and pink construction paper
- Pom pom for nose
- Googly eyes

First let them color the M with brown paint. I gave her brown kwikstixs to paint it. Once dried cut the M out and paste on another construction paper. Meanwhile cut 6 thin strips out of black paper for whiskers and a semicircle shape for ear.

Glue the whiskers and ears as shown. Add the googly eyes and a pom pom for nose to finish the craft.
🔸 Mouse Printables
You can find these fun printables in the below websites and download for free.
- Mouse Lacing – Laminated it and gave her a thread to lace around it.
- Mouse dot page
- Mouse coloring cards – We used watercolor paint to color the mouse.
- Mouse shapes– I cut each shape out and let her paste it on another color paper.
Day 3
🔸Book: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

Yet another wonderful book from Eric Carle. It’s a great book to teach manners and being nice to fellow beings. Also for teaching time to kindergartens you do not have to look further. It’s about a grouchy ladybug who challenge many animals she meet to fight with her.
🔸Five Little Monkeys story props

These cute monkey printables are perfect for playing along with the song book. You can download them for free below. Laminate them for durability and have fun jumping on the bed.
Five Little Monkeys Story puppets
🔸 Paper Bag Monkey Craft

This was a quick craft we did in the afternoon using a paper bag and brown/pink construction paper.

You need to cut the following pieces from brown paper.
- A big oval for chest
- 2 semicircle for ears
- A circle for face
- A long tail

Let them glue down the pieces as shown above. I gave them a black marker to draw the mouth and added the googly eyes.
🔸Monkey printables
You can find these fun printables in the below websites and download them as needed.
- Letter M tracing mat
- Monkey case sorting – I hid the cards in a corn bin to add some extra fun.
- Monkey shape puzzle cards
Day 4
🔸 Book: The Mitten

To start the day of Leaves theme we read this book by Lois Ehlert. The kids will have fun finding different animals or shapes with leaves throughout this book.
🔸 Mittens color match

Cut five mittens from multicolored foam sheets. I got these foam sheet sets from Walmart. Now number them and the goal is to place that many buttons on each mitten while matching the color too.

This activity works on color recognition and number sense. I circled the spots on each mitten to make it easier for her. Later we arranged the mittens in numerical order and hid the buttons under the mittens( a great preposition practice).
🔸Decorate a mitten

A collection of mitten decorations that we did over the week. Usually I give her one set of supplies at a time to avoid overwhelm and she does beautifully with that. I traced out mittens outline on cardstock paper and here is the list of supplies we used.

Supplies needed:
- Watercolor paint
- Glitter glue .
- Pom poms .
- Snowflake foam stickers .
- Blue rhinestones
- Pink & Purple foam sheet for the cuffs .

🔸 Mitten Printables
You can find these fun printables in the below websites and download for free.
- Mittens Dot marker page – I gave her glue and glitter to make the dots for a twist
- Mittens coloring page
- Mittens visual discrimination
- Mittens coloring cards
Day 5
🔸Book: The Color Monster

A perfect book to learn about feelings for the little ones. The illustrations are beautiful with colourful images that represent each feelings. Story is about a monster who got all feelings mixed up and a girl helps him to sort them out into little jars! In the end the color monster turns pink with full of love 💖💖
🔸Jar the emotions

Inspired by the cute cardboard pictures in the book I reused a cardboard box to make a color sorting activity for M. After cutting out jar shapes from cardboard I colored each of them.
Draw different emotions on some cardboard circles and color them too. I named the color jars the corresponding feelings as found in the book. The idea is to place those color circles into the correct jar and also to identify the feeling associated 😊🤢😡🥶
🔸Monster Craft

Afternoon we did a monster craft using our favorite craft supply – the paper plate
- Green paint
- Pom poms
- Black triangles cut from black paper for teeth and horn
- Googly eyes
- Pipe cleaners

Ideally there is mo limit to what you should give them to do this craft. But I provided the supplies listed above. They colored the paper plate green first. Then it was more of a free choice on what to put on the monster and here’s what they came up with.

🔸Monster Printables
You can download the following printables linked below as needed:
- Monster Dot page – I gave her round smiley erasers to fill the dot
- Monster count & clip cards
- Monster shadow match cards
Sensory Bin
🔸Magnetic Bin

What’s in the bin➡️
- Black & white beans
- Magnetic chips & wand
- Plastic cup & spoon

This was a quick sensory bin I could prepare for her. She had fun sweeping for the magnetic chips using the wand. Also practiced some simple pouring work using plastic cups.

I made two heaps of beans and magnetic chips next to her. And asked her to pick the beans using wand and then try the chips. Obviously the beans won’t stick and the chips would. There!! a simple science experiment to try out with toddlers with this bin.
Playdough Invitation
🔸Make a Monster

I reused the yellow & orange Playdough I made for fall theme to make this monster tray. Here’s what’s in the tray.
- Craft Sticks
- Feathers
- Toothpicks
- Googly eyes
- Pipe cleaners
- Colorful pins to poke
- Playdough tools

This is usually an invitation to play and anything that they create is a big win! Normally I will make something next to her and she tries to copy me. Playdough is a wonderful way to develop those tiny muscles while unleashing the creativity in them.
The Wall of Fame